What is Coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative, solutions-focused, results-oriented, systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, self-directed learning, and personal and professional growth of the client.

Throughout the coaching engagement you and your coach will participate in confidential, personal, and on occasions, challenging conversations. Through utilising a range of coaching approaches and posing powerful questions, your coach will assist you establish meaningful goals, identify desired changes/outcomes, develop performance enhancing strategies (that utilise your innate strengths, skills, and personality traits and mitigate any risks posed by performance derailing tendencies), and motivate you to strive for and surpass what you have been accomplishing on your own.


Coaching is generally delivered in person at the client’s workplace. A typical coaching session is normally held over 60-90 minutes. Following initial establishment of the coaching relationship, and, if more convenient, coaching can be delivered via telephone or Skype.


We take matters of confidentiality and trust very seriously. Due to the sensitive nature of matters that can arise during coaching engagements, all information disclosed and recorded in relation to and during your coaching engagement will remain confidential, except in those circumstances where required by law, or where the client has expressly consented to the release of information and only to those individuals so agreed to and considered appropriate by the client and the coach.

Ethics and Conduct

All Taylor Made Coaching Solutions Principal Consultants and Associates work in accordance with and adhere to the Code of Ethics and Core Competency Standards  of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Standards Australia Professional Guidelines for Coaching in Organizations (HBR 332-2011).

Coaching Expertise

We strongly recommend that Executive Coaching only be provided by suitably qualified and expert professionals with a minimum postgraduate qualification in Coaching Psychology or Business Coaching from a reputable tertiary institution. For this reason we require that all Executive Coaches employed by Taylor Made Coaching Solutions have a minimum Masters degree in Coaching Psychology or Business Coaching and a minimum 10 years experience in relation to the application of human psychology, behaviour, organisational development and change in organisational settings.

The approaches and techniques employed by all Taylor Made Coaching Solutions Principal Coaches and Associates are based on academic and scientific research and have been shown to enhance personal and professional performance, learning, wellbeing, engagement and development. All Principal Coaches and Associates must attend continuous professional development and routinely undertake coaching supervision with Coaching Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist.

Choosing an Executive Coach

There is potential to do harm in Executive Coaching, especially where there is insufficient expertise, knowledge and competency in relation to recognising mental health issues and/or understanding the psychological impacts of various interventions and approaches on workplace behaviour, relationships, and wellbeing.

Many people refer to themselves as Executive Coaches. However the coaching profession is largely unregulated which means that anyone can call themselves a Coach and start delivering coaching services. Coaching Psychology is a specialist field with only a few universities offering qualifications throughout the world. For this reason we strongly recommend that anyone considering using the services of an Executive Coach ensure that the person delivering the service has appropriate academic qualifications (with minimum post-graduate qualification in Coaching Psychology or Business Coaching).

When Coaching is not appropriate

There are circumstances in which we would determine that Executive Coaching is not the appropriate solution and in such instances we would recommend alternative approaches and referral to other appropriately qualified practitioners or that coaching only be delivered in combination with other interventions. Where such circumstances arise we provide confidential, sensitive and expert advice that assists clients identify the best solutions for their circumstances.

Coaching Psychology

Taylor Made Coaching Solutions are experts in the applied practice of Coaching Psychology in order to facilitate and enhance professional learning, development, and performance. Coaching Psychology is a distinct field of applied psychology practice that utilises the theory, research, and methodologies of the behavioural sciences, business, and adult education to facilitate desired change, enhance learning and development and improve performance in leaders, managers and workplace teams. Coaching Psychology is also a separate area of academic research that continues to expand and grow.

Post-graduate studies in Coaching Psychology are robust and provide graduates with expertise in the psychology of leadership, organisational systems, workplace team and group behaviour, and facilitating positive behavioural and cognitive change. Executive Coaches with post-graduate qualifications in Coaching Psychology understand the science behind different approaches and can explain why people behave the way they do in the workplace and why different approaches and interventions are designed to achieve specific outcomes.

What differentiates Executive Coaches with qualifications in Coaching Psychology is an understanding that every client is unique, and that what works for one client in a particular situation, may not be the best approach for a different client or for the same client in a different setting. Executive Coaches with Coaching Psychology qualifications and expertise also understand that coaching may not be the best approach for every client and that in some circumstances, coaching may need to be substituted for an alternative approach, or may need to be undertaken alongside other approaches in order to support the client achieve the best outcomes.

Executive Coaches with Coaching Psychology qualifications have a robust understanding of mental health issues and how these might impact successful goal striving, workplace engagement, and performance. They also take very seriously their responsibility for continued professional learning and development, ongoing coaching supervision, and reflective practice on their approach with each and every client.

Coaching vs. related fields

Coaching is often compared with related fields of therapy, mentoring, training, and traditional management consulting. In fact, some have gone so far as to say that great Executive Coaching is akin to “therapy” for leaders and managers. Like therapy, Executive Coaching tends to favour a questioning conversational style. However, unlike traditional forms of therapy (that tend to be problem-focused and explore how and why this happened), Executive Coaching preferences a solution-focused approach, asking what can we do to improve things.

Executive Coaching also differs from training, mentoring, and management consulting in that rather than promoting a directional and/or one-size fits all approach, great coaching will be “taylor made” to suit the client with an understanding of the organisational context they work in, the requirements of their role/s, and the strengths and developmental areas specific to that person/team. Where other approaches might reference case studies, scenarios or generic processes, Executive Coaching is responsive to your real-world business circumstances and to what is happening to you at this moment. Due to the fact that coaching conversations focus on current real-world business issues, the return on investment can be demonstrated through accelerated learning and professional development. Many clients report that with each and every session they have ready access to solutions that they can implement immediately following the session.

Further Information

If you have any other questions about Executive Coaching, Coaching Psychology, or want to discuss a “taylor made” solution please contact us.