The Hogan/PBC High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is a multi-rater assessment survey which provides stable teams with insight into their combined strengths, weaknesses, and team culture.

The HPTA is based on extensive research on the highest performing teams. Team performance is assessed against two key domains (Performance and Culture) and within these two domains ten essential elements that distinguish the highest performing teams from lower performing teams.

The HPTA supports teams to identify those areas within their culture, decision making, and interactions that predict success along with key development areas and performance risks. With expert debriefing and team development the HPTA can be used for action planning to develop and enhance high performing team culture.

Teams undertaking the HPTA with Taylor Made Coaching Solutions receive expert debriefing and analysis by an accredited Hogan Assessment Systems™ practitioner and the HPTA Report that documents results for their team.